We will hand back midterms Monday. Midterm is out of 100 points. Solutions are already posted in an earlier post.
What to do if you have concerns about your midterm score:
1) Consider how you could have done better. For example: Did you have trouble understanding the problem? Was your preparation good? Did you present your results in a clear and organized manner?
2) After some introspection, if you wish to request a higher score, here is the procedure to follow:
Please write a clear explanation of why you should get a different score. Be very specific. Turn that in, along with your midterm, to Dana Faiez or Michael Saccone. Dana and Michael have nine sections each week where you can find them. (An earlier post has all the details of when their sections occur.) Or, you may leave it in Dana’s mailbox in the physics department mail room (across from 231 ISB). Please follow this procedure. Do not try to give your test to me at our lecture meetings. When Dana or Michael looks at your midterm, they may look at other parts as well. Your score could go up or down depending on what is fair. Or it may stay the same. Regrades will only be offered this week.
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