Monday, April 30, 2018

Midterm 1 Score Distribution

Hey all,

The results are in! Without further ado, the statistics:

Problem 1 Average: 49.22/50
Problem 2 Average: 37.69/50
Total Average: 86.92/100

Come to class today to receive your test. Please compare your exam to solutions by Wednesday for a) general reflection and growth, b) in preparation for exam wrappers Wednesday, a short survey about your preparation, and c) to decide if you wish to ask for a regrade. Regrades will only be offered this week and have the potential to either raise or lower your score, so we encourage you to thoroughly review the solutions to make your case for the regrade if you choose to do so.

Regardless of your score, I would like to congratulate you all on the fantastic effort you generate in this class. Practicing physics is an exhausting and often extremely unusual skill. Even if you didn't perform as well as you would have liked, reflecting on how you can improve will pave the way for your future success. That takes help sometimes, so I encourage you to join us in section to solidify this test's learning.

Happy week 5,

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