Saturday, May 19, 2018

Midterm Instructions.

If you last name begins with A-L, you take your midterm in our regular room, E&M B206.

If you last name begins with M-Z, then you take your midterm in Humanities 206.
(the large Humanities Lecture Hall. See map below. Arrive early)

Please bring blank paper to do your work on and hand in (with your name on it).

You may bring a table with values for the cos function. (as discussed in more detail in an earlier post.) I recommend doing this.

Calculators are allowed; phones are not allowed (please turn phones off).

There will be two multi-part questions. Bring blank paper, it can be lined or graph or plain, whatever you prefer to work problems on. Do not write on the test paper or hand it back in.

Here is a map that shows where Humanities 206 is:


  1. is the midterm cumulative?

    1. No. (See also the post Midterm2 notes..., 2 posts down.)
