Thursday, May 10, 2018

May 9 & May 11, notes and video.

This class (May 9) we looked closely at the nature of cos and sin in the vicinity of "zero argument".

Then we did a problem that involved initial conditions related to velocity and position from which we infer a small negative phase factor. (see also video below.)

May 11 Notes:



  1. For solving for phi not, how do you know if phinot is positive or negative?

    1. by the sign of the velocity. (positive in this case!

    2. I mean the sign of the velocity is positive. Which, in the case you are asking about I think corresponds to a negative phase.

  2. I see what you mean. The question was when is v=+31.4, and that requires that sin(...)=-1 because: 1) that is the maximum value of the velocity and 2) our general equation for velocity has a minus sign that you need to cancel. v(t)= - A w sin(...). Does that make sense?
    So to get the time when the velocity is a maximum, you need a time when sin(...) is equal to -1. (the sin function ranges between -1 and 1)
