Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Intro to Michael

Hello honorary physicists!
It is I, Michael, your half time discussion/lab TA. Welcome to 6A!

Similar to the sports or board games, we learn physics through practice, not memorization. Discussion sections will serve as some of your most engaging, confusion crushing practice sessions. Dana and I have carefully selected problem sets and teaching formats to maximize your access to assistance and holistic learning.

Sound abstract? Here's exactly what we'll be doing:
  • First: show up!
    • Tuesdays 3:20 - 4:20 PM in Thimann 391 (the lab building, not the lecture hall)
    • Thursdays 3:20 - 4:20 PM, 4:20 - 5:20 PM in ISB 235
  • Attendees get early access to a four problem worksheet.
  • Next, we will spend half the section working in groups on one of the worksheet problems.
  • The second half will consist of a practice quiz and grading session, in which you complete another problem, see the solution, then grade a neighbors'.

We believe that learning through teaching saves you time and deepens your understanding. In other sections you could spend an hour listening, then a few at home interpreting the concepts and applying them to new scenarios. Here, you will skip straight to application, getting help at your own pace and wasting as little time as possible staring at a page with no idea what to do (some of this is necessary, but not most of it).

Of course, everyone is an individual, so we can't tell you exactly how you learn best. If there's anything we can do to accommodate your learning, please let us know. In general, feel free to email me at msaccone@ucsc.edu with any questions about the wonders of physics. You can also find my carbon based consciousness vessel in ISB 292 during most business hours. I look forward to broadening our understanding of the universe together!

Happy learning,


  • SECTION TIMES/LOCATIONS: T 3:20-4:20 PM/THIMANN 391, Th 3:20-4:20 PM, 4:20-5:20 PM/ISB 235
  • EMAIL: msaccone@ucsc.edu

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