Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Homework 2, with solutions.

Solutions are added below.

This is a post for student-to-student discussion of homework 2. You can ask questions here, answer other students questions, comment on what is difficult or confusing about the homework, etc. Dana, Michael and I will also look at your comments and questions and from that we can get a better perspective on how to present and teach the material.

For homework 2 there are 4 trajectory equations for position and velocity as a function of time (twice as many trajectory equations as there were in homework 1).  This is because the motion is in 2 dimensions instead of 1 dimension.
\(y(t) = y_o + v_{oy} t - \frac{g}{2} t^2 \)
\(v_y(t) = v_{oy} - g t \)
\(x(t) = x_o + v_{ox} t \)
\(v_x(t) = v_{ox}\)

In these equations \(y_o\) and  \(v_{oy}\), and \(x_o\), and \(v_{ox}\) are parameters. t is the variable and g=9.8 \(m/s^2\) represents the acceleration due to gravity.

Here is a video that shows how to do the 10th problem, problem 3.45, which involves the four charges and vector addition. Note that in the process of doing this problem there are two triangles that have to be analyzed. The first one, to get the components of one of the forces, has an angle of about 35.3 degrees. The 2nd triangle comes up when you are trying to figure out the direction of the total force vector. That one has an angles of 11 degrees, 79 degrees and 90 degrees.  This is a hard problem; maybe too hard.  I hope this video helps.

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