Monday, March 19, 2018

MathJax test post.

If you like, you can use the comment section of this post to practice using mathjax or latex. Then you will be able to use that in the future when you may wish to post comments or questions later this quarter. For example, these equations:
\(y(t) = y_o + v_{oy} t - 4.9 t^2\)
y(t) is a function of time.

\(\vec{v} = (v_{ox}, v_{oy})\)

were created using this text (shown as an image).

Introductory post.

Website: This website will play an essential role for this class. For your benefit, please check this website frequently.

Email & Office: My email is Please use that email for me. My office is ISB 243. I'll do a separate post on my office hours.

Teaching Assistants: Dana Faiez and Michael Saccone are the TAs for this class. They will do a separate post introducing themselves. 

Enrollment issues: Please contact the physics advisor, Maria Nishinian, , regarding any enrollment issues you may have.

Homework is a very important part of this class. HW problems will be similar to problems that you will be asked to do on the midterm and final. Homework will be primarily online (although there may be some hand-written problems that you turn in in class as well.) HW will count for about 18% of your grade. Working HW problems throughout the quarter is a good way to learn the skills you will need for your midterm and final exams. During the quarter I'll make posts on this blog pertinent to each homework. Feel free to ask about particular HW problems and what is most important to learn for each HW assignment in the comments section of homework posts. The HW assignments are designed to help you learn important skills; I will try not to waste your time.

Grade breakdown:
18% homework
40% midterms
42% final

Mastering Physics enrollment:
For the online homework we use a system called Mastering Physics. To enroll in Mastering Physics for the first time you will need an enrollment code. The least expensive way is to buy a code from the BayTree bookstore for $35.95 for ten weeks. You get an actual envelope from the bookstore with a code. Online it will cost more, but your account may be for a longer time. When you enroll they may ask for the course id. That is PHYSICS6A2018. If you are asked to select a book, choose Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics 4e. This should not commit you to buying this book, but it may be part of the enrollment process. Navigate carefully. I'll make a separate post where people can discuss their experience with enrolling in Mastering Physics and help other people or get help.

Book: The recommended book for this class is Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics 4e, volume 1. It is not required.

The final will be comprehensive, i.e., it will cover all 10 weeks of material. The final is at the time specified by the registrar (which I believe is 8 AM to 11 AM on Thursday, June 14). The final is 42% of your grade.

Miscellaneous notes:
Physics 6a tends to focus more on problem solving than on reading. It is a very practical, skill oriented class. Reading is helpful primarily when it helps you understand how to do homework problems. We won't have reading assignments in this class, only homework problems. Practicing HW problems is a good way to learn physics. You can think of your exams as recitals at which you will be asked to "perform" homework-related problems. In preparation, you could do particular problems more than once and I think you'll benefit from that, particularly if you do it without looking at your earlier solution.

Many college classes focus on learning large amounts of new information. This physics class will be different in the sense that the main emphasis will be on the development of skills. Those skills involve solving physics problems using visualization and mathematical modeling. There is no substitute for practice. You know what you will be asked to do on the final (solve problems that involve trajectories, energy, collisions, oscillations, etc). Hopefully, during our 10 weeks you can become really good at that.

My approach to teaching physics is to try to sort out what is most essential and to emphasize that in our lectures and HW. I anticipate that the points of emphasis for this physics 6A class will be:
1) Mathematical modeling of trajectories in 1 and 2 dimensions using quadratic functions. (Trajectories involve a downward acceleration due to gravity.),
2) Vectors, primarily in 2 dimensions. (Vectors have components. Vectors are a useful mathematical tool.)
2) Newton's laws. (Newton's equations provide a basis for understanding idealized motion.)
3) Energy. (Energy can be divided into two types: kinetic energy and potential energy. Kinetic energy involves motion of a single object. Potential energy involves an interaction between two things.)
4) Momentum. (We will discuss momentum and how conservation of momentum plays a key role in modeling collisions.)
5) Mathematical modeling of oscillations using sinusoidal functions. (Oscillations involve a mass, which can have K.E., and a spring, which can have P.E.),
6) Circular motion, gravitational force, gravitational potential energy, orbital motion (planets, moons...).

Mathematical modeling is key to this class. Physics is a subject taught in the language of math. Many people study geometry, algebra and calculus, but do not necessarily feel comfortable, fluent or literate in math. Doing things in a certain manner because that is what your teacher told you to do is one approach, however, it might be better to learn to understand some aspects of math, and develop confidence and intuition.

Outline: Here is an outline that includes all likely topics:
week 1) mathematical modeling of trajectories in 1 dimension 
week 2) mathematical modeling of trajectories in 2 dimensions (trajectories can be modeled using quadratic functions for position as a function of time.), Vectors
week 3) Newton's laws 
week 4) Energy: kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy near the surface of the earth, potential energy in a spring 
week 5) Oscillations: Oscillations typically involve a block attached to a spring. The force comes from the spring. The motion of a block attached to a spring can be modeled using \(x(t) = A cos(\omega t +\phi_o)\).
week 6) Oscillations. understanding phase...
week 7) Momentum:  momentum conservation helps us model collisions.
week 8, 9 and 10) gravity and planet orbits, kinetic and potential energy of orbiting objects. review of key concepts. revisiting kinetic and potential energy in general. revisiting vector addition and analysis. 

Comments: Your comments are welcome here.

Email: My email is That is my preferred email and where you will get the fastest response.